Saturday, February 5, 2011

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives, or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere - who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return."
(Al Baqarah: 155-156)

Friday, February 4, 2011

I need to get how much ?!?

I think I nearly choked when I saw this. Dang, I seriously need to study harder...
But on the bright side, thank God I hate accounting, haha~

Data Passing Grade beberapa Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Seluruh Indonesia


1. Pendidikan Dokter - - UI (59,8%)
2. Teknik Elektro - - UI (58,6%)
3. Farmasi - - UI (58,4%)
4. Teknik Kimia/TGP - - UI (57,4%)
5. Teknik Industri - - UI (54%)
6. Ilmu Komputer - - UI (52,8%)
7. Teknik Mesin - UI (52%)
8. Pendidikan Dokter Gigi - UI (51,2%)
9. Teknik Metalurgi dan Material - UI (47,4%)
10. Arsitektur - UI (47,2%)


1. Akuntansi - UI (63,9%)
2. Ilmu Hubungan Internasional - UI (63,1%)
3. Manajemen - UI (61%)
4. Psikologi - UI (60,6%)
5. Ilmu Komunikasi - UI (58,3%)
6. Ekonomi Pembangunan - UI (56,4%)
7. Ilmu Hukum - UI (56,2%)
8. Sastra Inggris - UI (53,8%)
9. Ilmu Administrasi Niaga - UI (52,9%)
10. Sastra Perancis - UI (50,1%)
11. Kriminologi - UI (49,6%)
12. Ilmu Administrasi Negara - UI (49%)
13. Ilmu Politik - UI (47,8%)
14. Sastra Cina - UI (47,8%)
15. Sastra Rusia - UI (46,7%
16. Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal - UI (46,6%)
17. Ilmu Filsafat - UI (46,6%)
18. Sastra Jerman - UI (46,4%)
19. Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial - UI (44,9%)
20. Arkeologi - UI (44,7%)
21. Sosiologi - UI (44,5%)
22. Sastra Arab - UI (43,8%)
23. Ilmu Sejarah - UI (43,2%)
24. Antropologi Sosial - UI (42%)



1. Pendidikan Dokter - UGM (59,3%)
2. Teknik Elektro - UGM (57,4%)
3. Ilmu Komputer - UGM (56,5%)
4. Teknik Kimia - UGM (54,8%)
5. Arsitektur - UGM (51,4%)
6. Teknik Mesin - UGM (51,4%)
7. Pendidikan Dokter Gigi - UGM (50%)
8. Biologi - UGM (47,2%)


1. Akuntansi - UGM (62,1%)
2. Psikologi - UGM (58,7%)
3. Ilmu Hubungan Internasional - UGM (58,5%)
4. Manajemen - UGM (57,9%)
5. Ilmu Komunikasi - UGM (57,4%)
6. Sastra Inggris - UGM (56,6%)
7. Eko. dan Studi Pembangunan - UGM (55,6%)
8. Ilmu Hukum - UGM (54,1%)
9. Ilmu Administrasi Negara - UGM (50,5%)
10. Ilmu Pemerintahan - UGM (50,4%)
11. Sastra Jepang - UGM (50%)
12. Sastra Perancis - UGM (47,1%)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sara Bareilles - Gravity

Oh, and one more post. I've been madly in love with this song for days now. I'm actually considering it for my Seni Musik practicals, but those high notes are making me a tad reluctant. Anyways, enjoy~


My English sucks! Hahaa, I’ve heard of the saying ‘If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it’ but I wasn’t expecting it to be this bad -.-

I was talking with this educational consultant from Thailand today and for the sake of convenience, we ended up conversing in English since she seemed not to be too fluent in Indonesian and I obviously being unable to speak a word of Thai (that squiggly worm language is rather on the bottom of my need-to-learn list). But lo and behold, it turned out to be so hard for me to actually speak right. I knew what I wanted to say, and I had the sentences perfectly formulated in my mind but for some reason, when I spoke them out loud it all seemed like an incoherent slur. I swear, if that Thai lady was a police officer and she’d stopped me on the highway at night she probably would’ve arrested me for DUI just after hearing me talk.  I don’t know what happened, but I remember that the whole time I was talking with her I was screaming in my mind “Dude, what the hell are you saying??”
For some reason, the lady still ended up complimenting me and told me that my English was ‘very good’ (typical Eastern courtesy I guess) even though I’m pretty sure she wasn’t able to understand half of what I was saying thanks to my surprisingly atrocious pronunciation.

It was today’s incident that made me realize just how badly I need someone to talk to (in English that is). Nina was a huge help for me when she was here, since she was one of the very few people I could talk to without having to worry about her thinking of me as being a showoff. But now, being all the way in Bandung and only returning once every couple of weekends, I guess it’s no surprise my spoken English has deteriorated to this extent T_T

Oh and btw, there’s an Education Expo at JCC till the 6th of February for anyone that’s interested. Admission's free and it's filled with loads of PTN&PTS from all around Indo (worth checking out if you’re looking for second or third choice universities apart from your main choice). Ah, and I actually got to speak with a guy from the SNMPTN committee, and it turns out that.. they accept A levels as well~ gyahaha, my mind was off in happy-dance land when I heard him say that. Actually, I’d wanted to break out into a mini cabbage patch dance but I thought better not to; that guy could’ve been a member of the selection committee for all I knew, and I don’t think a public display of unwarranted body flailing would’ve been regarded as qualities that they were looking for in a SNMPTN undangan candidate. 

Anyways, I'm totally psyched now since it seems that I may actually have a fighting chance to get into HI-UI or UNPAD, or UGM, whichever. 
Ya Allah, ease me on the path that You have destined to be the best for me. Amiin.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"You can feel the whole world and still feel lost in it. So many people are in pain-- no matter how smart or accomplished--they cry, they yearn, they hurt. But instead of looking down on things, they look up, which is where I should have been looking, too. Because when the world quiets to the sound of your own breathing, we all want the same things: comfort, love and a peaceful heart."
- Mitch Albom