Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I. Want. This. Book. Aah...

Dear Mr./Mrs.whoever is in charge of the stocking of books in Periplus, Kinokuniya, or Gramedia,
Please, please, pleasee be benevolent and sensible enough to bring this book to Indonesian shelves..

And although I haven't read this book (yet) I'd just like to convey a silent 'Thank You' to Mr.Deepak Chopra, for making a book like this available first and foremost in a country where "less than a third know that most people in Indonesia--the world's most populous Muslim nation--are, in fact, Muslim." Okay, so the book won't actually open anyone's eyes to this fact (though it'd be nice if people from the western world actually started realizing that we Indonesian Muslims exist, and all 202.9 million of us have lived relatively peaceful lives here with our fellow citizens that believe in other faiths) but my point is that in a place where so many people still know so little and fear so much about this religion, it's the perfect gateway to finally get some understanding about at least one the many aspects of our faith: The Beloved Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings be upon him).

Oh, and I just got an excerpt (it's just the author's note and prelude actually) from the book right here.
Just makes me want to read it even more..

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