Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Adios Blogspot

I wish I had a more poignant way of saying this, but it's late and I've used up a lot of my creative writing juices today, so basically: adieu blogspot. Thank you for putting up with all of my emotional rants, lovelorn ravings, heartbroken posts, the occasional inspiring story but mostly just a ton of mental diarrhea for the past 8 years :")

Anyone wanting to still keep up with all of this can move on to my new micro-blogging platform at antiaj.tumblr.com. It's basically my same old mash-up of thoughts and random prose, but packaged in a more modern, more colorful, overall generally more aesthetically pleasing format is all. Enjoy!

1 comment:

R's said...

Yah u mah, giliran aku pindah ke blogspot :|