Monday, September 27, 2010

Hahaa :D

Sometimes I'm too serious. So much so that I forget my mouth is capable of producing that intoxicating melody called laughter. So much so that I forget my face is capable of wrinkling ever so slightly into that beautiful thing called a smile. So much so that I forget my hands and feet don't have to stay curled up and clasped together all the time, but are free to stretch and twirl and grasp and run with all their might. So much so that I forget my body is not merely a rigid shell, but also an extension of the exultant soul that resides within and also that of His who keeps watch from above. Because every moment of happiness that I experience is a mere trickling down of the happiness You infinitely bring into this world.

For that, I thank You. Thank You for allowing me to laugh, smile, run, and twirl, and do each and every one of all the other little things I always seem to take for granted.

And thank you for giving me a second chance to embrace my soul :)

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