Monday, December 8, 2008

Twilight Rave!!! (sorry, I just had to document this somehow)

Note: this should've been posted two days ago, but due to some minor technical problems, local internet failure, and general laziness on my part, I was only able to post this today. My apologies!

Ahhhh, okay so like after months of going crazy over every single theatrical trailer and TV interview, after stripping every book and magazine clean of every little article and advert about it, my thirst for the Twilight movie has finally been sated!!

Okay, okay, so I have to say that this whole thing wasn’t without its sacrifices. It took me, Aida, Anjani, Anin, and Nanad two hours of running, screaming, tumbling, cursing, stomach pain bearing, feet killing work just to see this movie. I won't go into the details right now cause I'm sure it'd take a horrendously long time to explain and time hasn't exactly been in my favor these days. So, in short, I think we all sacrificed more than the healthy amount of our blood, sweat and tears just to satiate our Twilight mania.

There is only one word that I will use to describe the movie and that word is: AWESOME!
Alright, so there were a couple of production glitches and some pretty cheesy CGI flicks (I just hated what they did to EC's skin. I was imagining him as having more of a shiny, angelic 'aura', rather than his skin actually glittering like they just shoved a zillion microscopic christmas lights into every pore on his body.) but like, I wasn't actually expecting the movie to be flawlessly perfect, so I have to say that it did come out way better than I expected.

So, when the movie ended and the credits started rolling, I was still glued to my chair in a total ‘Edward Cullen is out of this world awesome’ dazed paralysis kind of thing. I swear to you, my mind was off in La la-land thinking about all the inexplicably amazing qualities of a person (in this case vampire) with the likes of Edward Cullen. But like 10-15 minutes later, reality was starting to slap me in the face and my mind slowly returned to this lowly mudball of a planet. It was starting to dawn on me that Edward Cullen is unbelievably out of this world amazing exactly because he isn’t of this world. He’s just another fictional character, tangled up in another impossibly fictional story, thought up by another fiction-obsessed author. There is not a single human male in this non-fictional world that ever has or could ever be like Edward Cullen. Seriously, I’d cut my right ear off and give it to the person who could find a real guy 1/10th as romantic and inhumanly perfect as Edward is in the book. (For any guys who are reading this sappy post, I truly, honestly have nothing against you all, just that I’m trying to be a bit realistic here and avoid writing another OME* crap post.)

So, to sum it all up, the movie was pretty good. And although the annoyingly snail-like pace at which it rolled on kinda ticked me off a bit (seriously, Bella takes at least half a minute of thinking and ‘uhmm’ing before she replies to anything Edward says), and looking at Jacob’s face was absolutely nauseating (especially for Talitha: I don't blame Taylor Lautner for this, I blame his wig, so don't get mad at me just yet =), I really do give my props to Catherine Hardwicke and all the Twilight cast for capturing the true emotional essence of the book. So, job well done!

*OME (Oh My Edward): A phrase commonly found in use among maniacally obsessed twi-hard girls, who find Edward Cullen to be the reincarnation of some earthbound angelic figure.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

IC X @ 21 sLiDe sHoW

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Just a random slideshow that me and Aida came up with in our spare time. Enjoy!