Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hmmmm, so I had a pretty boring afternoon and for once the cold hard chains of academic servitude were not there to shackle me to my desk. Anyways, I spent (wasted really) the first free afternoon I've had in God knows how long, perusing the web, checking my ever-stationary mailbox, and generally throwing to waste what few minutes of liberation I had (typical me ~_~)

So, in a rather twisted version of 'My Journey Around the World(wide web) in 80 minutes', I happened upon a link to this poetry site and so, being the literature dork that I am, I couldn't resist the urge to click on the flashy blue advert. Aghh, my willpower is weak when it comes to dazzling displays of commercial advertisement, even if the product they're promoting are the harrowing (if rather corny) depictions of the tragedy of the human thought in the face of this godforsaken, sepulcher of a world.... Wow, that was the most literate, educated, well-organized sentence I've ever written - I shall have to archive that for future reference.

Dang it, there I go digressing again, this really is a habit that should be stopped. I'm pretty sure that if old age or bronchial disease doesn't kill me first, a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome will.

So anyways, going back to what I was writing before I got so unceremoniously sidetracked.... what was I writing before this?? Oh yeah, the poetry site. Well, inspiration kind of hit me smack dab in the middle of a Maya Angelou poem and so, following my literati instincts, I let my inner poet free and BAM! The juices of poetic creativity started to ooze down from those barren recesses of my mind, providing the rusted wheels of my imagination with some much needed thinking grease. And below is the product of all that arduous mind-turning, brain-wracking work. (At first, I felt kinda insecure displaying my work like this, but what the hey, I spent a lot of brainpower on this thing and I wasn't just gonna let that go without notice)

Again, this is kinda corny (ok, a lot corny), but like I said, what the hey. So, enjoy:

What right do you have to make me suffer
To make me feel such loathing and pain
To leave me broken in the shattering thunder
And let me drown in this endless rain

Why is it that life has joined us both?
Has let us share two years of laughter
Has let us swear in whispered oaths
Of our future happily ever after

But now without you, my days are hollow
My nights without their guiding star
And like a boat in waters shallow
I stumble on, with body scarred....

Okay, so I never said that I actually got to finish it. It seems that the creative juices ran short somewhere in between the 3rd or 4th stanza and whatever came out after that was the equivalent of the waste products of the entire operation (in other words it was a pat of poo) so, I couldn't and didn't have the nerve to actually publish any of it for fear of life-long public humiliation.

Well, I think that should be all. Anyways, I have to prepare myself for the horror that is the sociology midterm which awaits me tomorrow *wishes she could crawl into some absurdly dark corner and hide*

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pickled Lard....

Well, there's nothing terribly exciting to report for today, so I'll see if i can make this short and snappy.

Hmmm,'s been going in my life? I dunno, well for one thing, my beloved Cruzersync 1GB usb is now lying in the same pile of technological mishaps as my deceased iPod. I know what you're thinking, "Oh, it's just a gig, you could buy one with a larger memory at half the price that was" and blah, blah, blah.... I know it was just a 1 GB, but that 1 GB held half of my life's works in it. Let's assess the damage shall we:
1. My English Coursework folder (GONE)
2. All of my photos from last year's trip to Trinidad (GONE)
3. All of my poems and stories (GONE)
4. All other miscellaneous crap that I shoved in it (guess what? also GONE)

Yes, my life's peppered with the daily demise of at least one of my technological possessions. Sometimes I wonder if technology is harboring some kind of obscene grudge against me of which I'm so conveniently unaware of and of which I've never committed a crime against to induce it in the first place....

Alright, well there are three things I could say to sum up the random jabbering that was going on up there and those are:
1. I hate my life (That's a known fact by now and easily supported)
2. Anything that runs on a heart of wires and electrical circuits has reason to fear my presence and should avoid contact with my person at all costs
3. I just realized that I like using lists in my writing cause:
a. It defines my points
b. It sounds way cooler than if I wrote in long, over-stretched sentences
c. It's totally awesome how I can stretch one subject into an infinite vertical distribution of thoughts and ideas, which would probably have no rational connection with each other at all if put in any other arrangement other than that stated in the above. (If you understood nothing of what I just wrote, well neither did I)

Okay, okay, I promised at the start of this thing that I'd try to make it short and snappy, so I'll stop right here.

Till next time, Hasta luego, A tout a l'heures, Cai chen, Sampai nanti, Ibnerflagden goutenschweiler houber....sorry, I'll really stop now.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How LIFE abhors me so....

I hate my life.
I hate my life.
I hate my life.
I hate my...... I'm tempted to go on in such a manner, but it feels totally redundant and pointless to do so, besides, I'm probably annoying whoever's reading this.

Ahhhh, I'm so stressed right now. Nothing has gone well today. Last night, I collapsed in exhaustion after studying for my stupid math and business tests for two hours (that was like 120 minutes of my life wasted in total anguish). And then I wake up the next morning, only to find that I woke up too early, way too early, like 3 o'clock in the dark of morning early and I couldn't even go back to sleep again for some reason....Ughhh....
Of course, it's kind of a given thing that when you only get four hours of sleep/night, the rest of your day just kinda goes down the drain. And guess what? Joy to the world, that's exactly what happened; course, none of the following things that happened would've even been conceived of if it hadn't been for my innate ability to bring about disaster and misfortune upon myself. Let's just put it in list order kay, cause my current mood is kinda suppressing my usual urge to write those lengthy and unreasonably elaborate paragraphs.

So to sum up why I'm in such a foul mood today is:
1.) I've got this blasted cough that's been plaguing me for the past week (and doesn't seem to want to end anytime soon either), which prevents me from saying a single sentence without stopping at least once to spew my guts out.
2.) I had tests for every, single, darned subject there was for the day. Including an excruciatingly long and maddeningly exasperating business essay thing that left me scrawling down completely worthless crap about needs and resources, and all other such terms which i don't particularly wish to recall at the moment.
3.) And all these other little things, like how I can't touch something without causing every other object in a 30cm radius to clatter to the floor at the same time in some bizarre chain reaction and just my general day-to-day klutziness is really getting on my last nerve.

Alright well, I should probably stop here. I still have to study for my Chemistry and Physics exams which are waiting eagerly for my presence tomorrow (will the misery never end?) and I think my cough medicine's starting to kick in, cause I'm starting to feel really drowsy right now....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nanad n' Anin lagi isengg.....

jahad lo
parah banget sih
ko lo gt sih
gue kan ga salah apapa
mao lo apa sih??
gue ga ngerti
kenapa sih lo ga pernah ngerti
ngapain ngerti,ga penting
gue penting tau .
gue kan orang yang berguna bagi masyarakat
taon berapa
emang lo idup ampe zaman kpn?
gue vermouth
ooo gitu..
tp ampe jaman kpn??
hingga akhir waktu ... nanana,,,
gila ya lo??
ga . gue VERMOUTH
sejak kpn??
jaman baheula ya??
sejak nabi adam diciptakan

gue ga peduli lo percaya apa ga
kloo gw bilang ga percaya gmn??
yaudah , believe aja
maksa banget sii..

Monday, November 3, 2008

Wow, it feels like ages since I last wrote on this thing.

See, it's not that I didn't have anything to write about (I had a ton of things to write about, just that the majority of those things involve a whole chain of profanities aimed at one single person, which i feel is kinda inappropriate for this site)

I can't think of anything to write right now, so I'll come back later and actually try to write something meaningful here...